Cloud Operations Team

The Cloud team is the special focus team reporting directly to CEO modeled on “if AWS were to offer ‘Managed Sourcegraph’ like they do Elasticsearch, Redis, PostgreSQL, etc., how would they do it?” The team is responsible for maintaining existing managed instances and building the next generation of them. The Cloud team has no other responsibilities.



Mission statement

Build a fully managed platform for using Sourcegraph, providing feature compatibility with self-hosted while being cost-efficient for customers and Sourcegraph.

Fully managed

  • Observability allowing Sourcegraph to react before user impact is noticed, while respecting user privacy
  • Frequent, invisible Sourcegraph upgrades
  • Invisible infrastructure updates
  • Zero infrastructure access for customers


  • Low customer onboarding cost
  • Zero customer maintenance cost
  • Secure (SOC 2, documented security posture)
  • Reliable (ability to offer SLA, internal SLO of 99.9%)
  • Automatable (in due time, feature releases / billing / upgrades / analytics are built-in)

Feature compatibility

  • Feature set on-par (or more powerful) than self-hosted
  • New features available on Cloud before self-hosted
  • Existing features have higher adoption on Cloud than self-hosted


  • Infrastructure cost covered by Sourcegraph
  • Administration / operations provided by Sourcegraph
  • () Self service provisioning / release channels for upgrades

Not in scope (for / ):

  • supporting customer provided GCP infrastructure
  • supporting cloud providers other than GCP
  • managing Sourcegraph installations in clusters not provisioned by the Cloud team (Bring-your-own-Kubernetes)
  • supporting customers smaller than X1 ARR
  • optimizing cost below X2 $/month

How to contact the team and ask for help

  • For emergencies and incidents, alert the team using Slack command /genie alert [message] for cloud and optionally tag the @cloud-support handle.
  • For internal Sourcegraph teammates, join us in #discuss-cloud-ops slack channel to ask questions or request help from our team.
  • For managed instance requests or requests for help that requires action for the Cloud team engineers (exp. coding, infrastructure change etc.) please create a GH issue and assign a team/cloud label. You can also post a follow up message on the #cloud slack channel
  • You may tag the @cloud-support handle if you are looking for immediate attention, and it will notify our on-call engineers. Please avoid tagging/DM a specific teammate or the @cloud-team handle.

Cloud Instances

When to offer a Cloud Instance

See below for the SLAs and Technical implementation details (including Security) related to managed instances.

Please message #discuss-cloud-ops for any answers or information missing from this page.

When offering customers a Cloud Instance, CE and Sales should communicate and gather information for the following topics

  • Customers are comfortable with security implication of using a managed instance
  • Customers’ code host should be accessible publically or able to allow incoming traffic from Sourcegraph-owned static IP addresses. (Notes: we do not have GA support for other connectivity methods, e.g. site-to-site VPN)

Trial Managed Instances (aka PoC)


Internal processes for Cloud Operations

Below are a list of processes Cloud team supports for internal stakeholders, e.g., engineering department, Customer Engineers, Technical Advisors, Sales, Support, etc.

We aim to make all processes self-service as much as possible, please follow the instruction closely.

Create a Cloud instance - New Request

🤖 self-service

  • For new customers or prospects who currently do not have a managed instance. After determining a managed instance is viable for a customer/prospect
  • For internal teammates who are looking for a short-lived instance for testing or demo purposes. For example, tracking a long-running feature branch for continous testing before release date (go/cloud-release-channels).

Suspend a Cloud instance - New Request

⚙️ manual

  • For customers or prospects who currently have a managed instance that needs to pause their journey, but intend to come back within a couple of months.

Tear down a Cloud instance - New Request

⚙️ manual

  • For customers or prospects who have elected to stop their managed instance journey entirely. They accept that they will no longer have access to the data from the instance as it will be permanently deleted.

Convert Trial Cloud instance to paid - New Request

🤖 self-service

  • For prospects who sign the deal after trial expires.

Enable telemtry on a Cloud instance - New Request

⚙️ manual

  • For customers or prospects who currently do have a managed instance and you would like to enable collection of user-level metrics.

Disable telemtry on a Cloud instance - New Request

⚙️ manual

  • For customers or prospects who currently do have a managed instance and you would like to disable collection of user-level metrics.

Add IP(s) to a Cloud instance ingress allow list - New Request

⚙️ manual

  • For Customers who have IP restrictions to their MI and would like to add a new list of IP(s) or CIDR

Enable Cody on a Cloud instance - New Request

🤖 self-service

  • To enable Cody for an existing managed instance customer or prospect in trial. Note that the Cloud team will take care of creating and managing Anthropic and OpenAI keys, no action needed from CE/TA.

Enable custom domain on a Cloud instance - New Request

⚙️ manual

  • For customers we are looking to bring their own domain, e.g.,

Enable static NAT IP or private connectivity on a Cloud instance - New Request

⚙️ manual

  • For customers who are looking to configure IP allowlist to permit Cloud instance traffic
  • For customers that have private code hosts

Update license key on a Cloud instance - New Request

🤖 self-service

  • To update the license key for an existing instance.

Reset customer admin password

🤖 self-service

To send out a password reset email

Restart a Cloud instance

🤖 self-service

Restart the frontend after changing the site-config.

  • Open GitHub Actions
  • Click Run workflow and enter in the customer slug and select prod as the environment.

Note: If you do not know the slug, refer to the Name field of the table at http://go/cloud-ops.

Supporting Manage Instance

SLAs for managed instances

Support SLAs for Sev 1 and Sev 2 can be found here. Other engineering SLAs are listed below

SLA for internal requests may be extended during upstream service providers outage. For example, automated trial instance creation workflow relies on GitHub Actions and GitHub is down.

DescriptionResponse timeResolution time
New instance CreationSpin up new instance for a new customer1 working day1 working day from agreement
New Trial instance CreationSpin up new trial instance for a new customer1 working day1 working day
Existing instance suspensionSuspend an existing managed instance temporarilyWithin 24 hours of becoming aware of the needWithin 15 working days from agreement
Existing instance deletion/teardownDecommission/delete and existing managed instanceWithin 24 hours of becoming aware of the needWithin 15 working days from agreement
New Feature RequestFeature request from new or existing customersWithin 24 hours of becoming aware of the needDependent on the request
Maintenance: Monthly Update to latest releaseUpdating an instance to the latest releaseNAWithin 10 working days after latest release
Maintenance: patch/emergency release UpdateUpdating an instance with a patch or emergency releaseNAWithin 1 week after patch / emergency release
Add IP(s) to Managed InstanceAdd new list of IPs to MI allowlist1 working dayWithin 3 days
Enable custom domainAdd or update custom domain3 working dayWithin 2 week

Agreement here is the date specified within the required GitHub issue

Recovery Time Objective and Recovery Point Objective (RTO & RPO)

We have a maximum Recovery Point Objective of 24 hours. Snapshots are performed at-least daily on managed instances. Some components may have lower RPOs (e.g. database).

Our maximum Recovery Time Objective is defined by our support SLAs for P1 & P2 incidents.

Incident Response

Incidents which affect managed instances are handled according to our incidents process.

Accessing/Debugging Managed Instances

For information relating to accessing, debugging, or otherwise admnistrating a managed instance, please refer to the go/cloud-ops.



FAQ: Can customers disable the “Builtin username-password authentication”?

Yes, you may disable the builtin authentication provider and only allow creation of accounts from configured SSO providers.

Sourcegraph teammate access to Cloud instances is configured separately at the infrastructure and lives outside the regular Sourcegraph site configuration.

FAQ: How do I restart the frontend after changing the site-config?

To restart the frontend for a customer, you can either execute:

  1. Navigate to the Reload Instance Frontend GitHub Actions page
  2. Click the “Run Workflow” button
  3. Enter in the customer slug and select prod as the environment. If you do not know the slug, refer to the Name field of the table at http://go/cloud-ops.

Manually (requires Cloud V2 Prod Access)

mi2 instance workon -e prod -s <customer slug> -exec
mi2 instance check pods-health
kubectl rollout restart deployments/sourcegraph-frontend

FAQ: Do you support custom domains?

Yes. Learn more about custom domain support.

FAQ: Does Cloud support Server Side Batch Changes and precise code navigation?

Yes. All Cloud instances have executors enabled by default, enabling the use of Server Side Batch Changes and Code Intel auto-indexing.

Key facts:

  • SSBC is enabled by default
  • Auto-indexing are enabled on all repos by default so customer can benefit from precise code navigation. However, this relies on inference to work on the customer repo. For unsupported repo or repo that uses private registry (e.g., private NPM), the customer will have to work with Support or #ask-code-intel to figure out the custom auto-indexing configuration.

FAQ: What are Cloud plans for observability - can I see data from customer instances in Honeycomb / Grafana Cloud / X?

Cloud instances provisioned for customers provide the same monitoring data / tooling as all other Sourcegraph instances (Grafana/Prometheus for metrics, Jaeger for traces). GCP Logging is used to store / query logs written by Sourcegraph workloads, and GCP Monitoring is used for infrastructure-level metrics / uptime checks.

Access to data from Cloud instances is governed by Cloud Access Control Policy.

Long-term, we will collaborate with Developer Infrastructure team (as owners of Sourcegraph observability) to support monitoring / observability solutions that are qualified for use with customer data.

FAQ: What are Cloud plans for continuous deployment - how often do we deploy code to Cloud instances?

Cloud instances provisioned for customers run released Sourcegraph versions and are currently updated at least once a month (for minor releases), unless we need to deploy a patch release.

Sourcegraph-owned instances can opt-in to receive continuous upgrades with versions that weren’t officially released, e.g., the latest commit on main branch, release branches. We own continuous deployment to those environments.

FAQ: What are Cloud plans for analytics - where can I see data from Cloud instances in Looker / Amplitude?

Cloud instances do not expose analytics data other than pings. Future work in this area is owned by Data & Analytics team.

FAQ: Does Cloud support data migrations?

Cloud instances are generally created without any customer data (repos / code-host connections / code / user accounts / code insights etc.).

The Cloud team has an experimental process for importing data from on-premises / jointly-managed Sourcegraph instances, described here.

For #cloud engineers, run mi reset-customer-password -email <> and it will generate a 1password share link for you.

The password reset link expires after 24h, so it’s quite common that CE would have to generate a new link during the initial hand-off process.

If access to the instance is restricted, either via VPN or CIDR whitelist, please reach out to #cloud for assistance.

Otherwise, the CE responsible for the customer is added as site-admin, so CE can login with “Sourcegraph Employee” (Google Workspace) auth provider and reset customer admin password. Otherwise, please reach out to #cloud for assistance.

IMPORTANT: Please do not share the password reset url directly with the customer admin over email or slack. More context.

Open 1password, and create a new Secure Note item and paste the password reset url, then use the 1password share item feature to securely share the link with customer admin. Make sure you configure the following options while sharing the item:

  • Link expires after: 1 day
  • Available to: <insert customer admin email>

This ensures only the customer admin is able to gain access to the password reset url.

FAQ: I have a new feature I want to deploy to Cloud, how do I do that?

Read through our Cloud Cost Policy

FAQ: What is the Cloud instance IP?

Use cases:

  • The customer wants to maintain an IP allowlist to permit traffic to their code hosts
  • The customer wants to maintain an IP allowlist to permit the use of their own SMTP service.
  • The customer wants to permit Cloud instance access to their private registry for code navigation auto-indexing, e.g, NPM Enterprise, JFrog Artifactory.
  • The customer wants to use container images from a private container registry in build steps during auto-indexing or SSBC.
  • The customer wants to communicate directly with private resources in server-side batch changes.

Outgoing traffic of Cloud instances goes through Cloud NAT with stable IPs. All IPs are reserved exclusively on a per-customer basis. Those IPs are used by Sourcegraph Cloud to communicate directly with customer systems such as code hosts, authentication service, or SMTP service.

For #ce teammates, please review above content and reach out to #cloud with sufficient context.

For #cloud teammates, please run follow the operation dashboard.

FAQ: Can customers restrict access to their Cloud instances to VPN-only/specific IP adddresses?

Use cases:

  • The customer would like to only permit access to the Cloud instance from their VPN

Incoming traffic of Cloud instances first go through our WAF provider, Cloudflare, and we are able to utilize Cloudflare to filter incoming traffic based on the IP list provided by customer.

For #ce teammates, please request a list of IP address of IP ranges (CIDR) from customers and include them in the creation request.

For #cloud teammates, add the IP addresses to the instance config.yaml.

FAQ: What code-hosts does Cloud support?

Cloud supports all code-hosts types (self-managed and Cloud-managed), but it currently requires the code-host to have a public IP. More context here.

If your prospect have the need for private code hosts, please reach out to #discuss-cloud-ops, and we would love to partner with them to develop a solution.

FAQ: What is the difference between air-gapped, private and public code hosts?

  • Air-Gapped Code Host is a code host that is physically isolated from the internet. For example the code host is deployed on a hardware (server) that is within customers office/private data center and the only way to connect to this code host is to be physically connected to this air-gapped network; a user has to be within the office and be connected to the air-gapped office network via ethernet cable of wi-fi. In this scenario the only option for Sourcegraph to work is on-prem deployment within the same air-gapped network and all users connect to Sourcegraph instance via local IP or local DNS. Please note cloud will never be able to support air-gapped code hosts as these are based on their physical isolation so it’s not technically feasible for a Cloud instance to access such code host.
  • Private Code Host is a code host deployed in a private network (for example AWS EC2 instance within VPC). To connect to this code host a user has to have access to the private network usually via VPC Peering, VPN, or tunneling)
  • Public Code Host is the code host that is publicly accessible on internet - a user can CURL it via IP or open the URL in the browser. This also includes a code host with a public interface but restricts access to IP allowlist. The Sourcegraph instance can access this code host without using VPC Peering, VPN or other methods. Of course, accessing this code host is protected by authentication and authorization mechanisms

FAQ: How do I figure out the GCP Project ID for a customer?

To identify the Project ID for a given customer, refer to the table found at http://go/cloud-ops.