Project Intake

The Data and Analytics team will accept project/enhancement requests through GitHub issues in the Sourcegraph analytics repository. At this time, requests that are not attached to a GitHub issue will not have an assigned analyst/engineer or expected completion date, and will not be tracked by the team.

Examples of requests that require an issue:

  • New dashboard or enhancement to existing dashboard
  • Ad-hoc analysis (e.g. “I would like to know the number of MAUs for the Batch Changes feature.”)
  • Implementation of new business metrics (e.g. “Can we start tracking page views of our case studies?”)
  • Bug fixes in data pipeline, transformations, or reporting (e.g. “I expect this value to be 100 and it shows as 50.”)

When creating GitHub issues, please include as much relevant information as possible. Please use the relevant issue template in the repository and fill out the requested information. If no template matches, create a blank issue and include as many details around your request as possible.

This information is useful:

  • The problem: Describe the problem or question you have.
  • End state: What is the end state of the project? What decisions will be made? Be as specific as possible (i.e. if the end state is a graph, draw out the graph in a tool or paper)
  • The why: What will this request be used for? How does it support our goals?
  • Timeline: What’s the timeline of the project? Is it urgent? When does this need to be delivered, and how will it be followed up on in the future?
  • People: Who is involved, and what are the expectations of each person? Who will be responsible for driving the project forward? Does each person have the necessary bandwidth for driving the project forward? Does each person have the necessary bandwidth to uphold the expectations asked of them?
  • Frequency: Is this a one time ask or something that is needed ongoing? If ongoing, what is the cadence (daily, weekly, monthly, etc…)

A Data and Analytics team member will triage and assign issues to the relevant team member during sprint planning for items that are not time-sensitive or urgent.

For time-sensitive or urgent requests, please tag the issue with the urgent label. This will make the GitHub issue appear in the #analytics channel in Slack to ensure visibility, and where you can follow up with more details/asks.