Delivery Team Support Rotation

The Delivery Team maintains a support rotation where an engineer is dedicated to providing support to our internal teams for a term of 1 week.

The support rotation schedule is captured in OpsGenie. The support rotation consists of an Engineer On-Call (EOC) and a technical manager (TM).

On-Call duties transfer automatically Mondays at 10am Central Time according to the schedule within OpsGenie.

Response Times and SLAs

The Delivery team aims to provide timely responses that are proportional to the capacity of the team.

OpsGenie Pages

The Engineer On-Call (EOC) is responsible for a 24 hour x 7 period shift where an initial response or acknowledgement is expected within 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes, the Technical Manager is paged and expected to provide an initial response or acknowledgement within 5 minutes.

This is designed to ensure that an initial response is produced within 20 minutes of the page.

Support Responses

The Delivery team aims to facilitate and uphold the SLAs maintained by the Customer Support team. The Delivery team will triage and provide an initial response within 24 hours of receiving a support request or request for help.


Incoming Engineer On-Call (IEOC)

The engineer that is starting their support rotation.

Outgoing Engineer On-Call (OEOC)

The engineer that is ending their support rotation.

Engineer On-Call (EOC)

The engineer that is currently support rotation.

Technical Manager

The manager of the Delivery team exists as the terminal escalation for the support rotation.

Delivery Team Support Rotation Playbook

Starting the Support Rotation

At the start of their shift, the Incoming Engineer On-Call (IEOC) will prepare to take over support rotation duties from the Outgoing Engineer On-Call.

Review Hand-off Notes

The previous on-call engineer should post in the #delivery channel a link to the Delivery On-Call Hand-off Notes

This document is designed to help the Incoming Engineer On-Call get up to speed with any open issues that require their attention during their shift. Additionally, this is designed to provide a mechanism for the Outgoing Engineer On-Call to offload support duties in order to transition back into project work.

Ensure OpsGenie can page you

This can be done in the OpsGenie interface by supplying your cellphone number or by downloading the OpsGenie app. The method you choose to be contacted is up to you as long as your response time follows the Response Time guidelines

The Delivery Team OpsGenie Dashboard is:

OpsGenie has documentation that describes how to setup Notification Preferences.

Join Slack Channels

The following Slack channels should be monitored during your shift. There is no expectation to actively monitor these channels 24/7 during your support week, but you should serve as the designated point of contact during your working hours.

Channel NameDescriptionWhat to look for
#deliveryPublic channel where Sourcegraph teammates can ask questions, provide information, and escalate support issues.Questions from other teams, request for help, and other Delivery-related information.
#incidentsCompany-wide incident feed.Incidents that may affect on-prem/managed instance deployments.
#prod-eng-announcementsProduct Engineering Announcements.Monitor for release-related items or larger feature roll-outs that may affect on-prem / managed instance deployments.
#ask-prod-engCompany-wide forum to discuss Product Engineering topics.Generally questions are tagged with “[Delivery]”
#buildkite-mainInformation about BuildKite CI.The build checker will occasionally lock the main branch when the main build fails to build. When serving as a release captain it may be helpful to know the current state of the build.

The @delivery-support Slack handle

You will be automatically added to the @delivery-support Slack group by OpsGenie. This handle is used to call attention to important topics in Slack that may or may not include incidents or P1 customer support issues.

While an immediate response is not necessarily required, use your best judgement to determine an appropriate response.

Support Rotation Duties

This is section is not designed to be prescriptive. You should use your best judgement on how to handle your support rotation duties. This is by no means an exhaustive list but some notes of things to check while on-duty.

Responding to Issues

Delivery engineers who are not support rotation do not need to respond to questions, instead they should defer to the Engineer On-Call (EOC). This is intended to promote knowledge transfer from subject matter experts (SMEs) to the rest of the Delivery team.

While the EOC may not provide the final resolution, the expectation is to provide an initial response, triage, and ensure that issues are captured in the Delivery GitHub Project.

Anything we are not doing today or not documented in our handbook is most likely a feature request.

If there is a known gap in functionality, or extensive work necessary to service a request, (e.g., a feature request), escalate to the manager for prioritization.

The EOC is encouraged to use the handbook, docs site, other resources, or consulting the larger Delivery team to provide as much context as possible when during triage and providing an initial response.

Monitoring Slack Channels

You are not expected to monitor slack 24/7. During your working hours periodically check for messages in the Slack Channels listed above.

More urgent Slack messages are usually tagged with @delivery-support.


OpsGenie is configured with team-based escalations. OpsGenie will page the scheduled Engineer On-Call. Pages from OpsGenie should be considered a priority and follow the guidelines for Response Times.

OpsGenie is configured to page the EOC when:

  • A Sourcegraph teammate engages OpsGenie to page the EOC.

Maintaining On-Call Handoff Notes

Keep notes about any incidents, alerts, and priority support issues during your shift. They’ll come in handy when you transition your duties to the next Incoming Engineer On-Call.

Ending On-Call Rotation

Having a formal end to your support rotation shift is intended to provide a way to debrief and promote a healthy relationship with support rotation duties to reduce burnout.

While not prescriptive, you should take measures to reduce disruptions so you may focus on your project work.

Leave Slack Channels

Reduce disruptions while you are no longer on-duty!

  • #incidents

You will be automatically unsubscribed from the @delivery-support Slack handle.

Finalize Hand-off Notes

As the Outgoing Engineer On-Call, your responsibility to ensure the Delivery On-Call Hand-off Notes are up-to-date and ready for the Incoming Engineer On-Call by 10am Central Time on Monday.

Take time off

If you responded to an incident or had an eventful support rotation, consider taking a day off to recover and prevent burnout. Sourcegraph has an unlimited PTO policy.