
Team vision & principles

The global communications team supports the entire organization and influences the way we’re perceived as a brand and company. We do that by raising awareness about Sourcegraph’s product, growth, and mission in the press, through speaking, events sponsorship and awards, across social media, as well as facilitating communication across the company for our teammates.

The Comms team is made up of the following functions & leads:

  • Global comms & public relations: Amie Rotherham
  • Internal comms: Madison Clark
  • Social media: Bachi Degli-Innocenti
  • Field marketing & demand gen campaigns: Olivia Simpson

Meet the team & what we do

Global comms & public relations:

Projects & responsibilities:

  • General messaging & comms support - Draft and review of anything shared publicly. Examples include: Product & customer comms, marketing materials like video scripts & promotional content, blog review, etc.
  • Media relations - Connect with press on trend stories, company milestones, and product launches.
  • Speaking & awards submissions - Submit our leadership team for talks at dev and tech conferences, submit Sourcegraph and our teammates for industry awards and recognition. Some awards are done in partnership with the People & Talent team.
  • Crisis comms - Messaging support for customer communications and other necessary comms around incidents and company crises.
  • PMM & launch support - Comms and messaging reviews and support for product moments like release posts and launches. Support for other comms functions listed below.

Important channels:


Internal comms:

Projects & responsibilites:

  • Company Announcements - Share important information with the entire company and get support on how to communicate that content.
  • Bi-weekly All Company Meeting - This live session gives the company a chance to align on shared goals, celebrate recent wins, and hear from members of the team in ways that we can’t always achieve asynchronously.
    • If you have something you’d like to share at an upcoming company meeting, send a message to Madison Clark in #internal-comms.
  • Cross-Functional Internal Comms Support - Need to communicate something to your team, or share information across multiple departments at Sourcegraph? Work with the internal comms team to refine your messaging and build a comms plan to share the information in an effective way. We have templates to make this process smooth (linked below).
  • Exec-AMA - Our team also facilitates two-way communication between Sourcegraph teammates and leadership. We monitor #exec-ama and work with leadership to get teammates’ questions answered, and also host synchronous AMA sessions during the off weeks between company meetings. Submit your questions in #exec-ama or directly to a member of our comms team and we’ll coordinate a discussion about that topic.
  • Quarterly and annual kickoff events - At the beginning of every quarter, we bring the whole company together via a special company meeting focused on progress from the previous quarter and goals for the one ahead. Work with our team to add content to this meeting and share ideas on fun ways to kickoff a new quarter together.
  • The Git Down newsletter - This monthly newsletter complements other internal comms channels and gives our team a way to share longer-form content with the team. If you want to include something in a future issue, sent a message to #internal-comms.

Important channels: #internal-comms


Social Media:

Projects & responsibilites:

  • Social Media Content Calendar & Creation - An overview of our upcoming social media posts, the date and time it will go live, the social network and account where it will be published, copy and creative assets (i.e., photos or videos), and links and tags to be included.
  • Social Media programs and campaigns - Create, lead and plan content programs and campaigns on organic social that tell the what, how, and why and grow our brand presence.
  • Research & Listening - These help us build a solid understanding of what users and potential customers think about our brand by analyzing what they say on social media.
  • Crisis Comms (Social) - In charge of creating a plan for when (not if) the unexpected happens on social media and allowing us to navigate a crisis well, helping us to recover faster.
  • Social Advocacy - Enable everyone to amplify company messages and content, encourage sharing about their experiences and work life, and give you the tools to become a thought leader.
    • Be part of the program today. Join our slack channel #social-advocacy -Moderation and Monitoring - Handle the process of controlling the wanted (positive interactions and messages) and the unwanted (offensive or inappropriate interactions) on social media.

Important channels:


Field Marketing:

Projects & responsibilities:

  • General Demand Generation and Field Marketing Support - Planning and execution of various demand gen and field marketing efforts to reach our target audience and drive opportunities. Examples include: conferences/events, integrated campaigns, sponsored events, proprietary events, livestreams, webinars, and more.
  • Dev Conferences & Sponsored Events - Annual and quarterly planning for tradeshows and sponsored events to generate awareness and pipeline. Find out more about how to request sponsorship or event attendance here.
  • Proprietary Events - Planning events and roadshows around regions and accounts to give increased attention and visibility to the Sourcegraph brand in regions or accounts that need the extra push.
  • Livestreams - Built around new Sourcegraph launches or specific dev topics. Livestreams are a way to increasingly connect with the dev audience by creating interactive and exciting content for them to tune in to on Twitch or similar platforms. This will ideally build to a larger scale user conference down the line.
  • On-Demand & Live Webinars - Based on topic or customer guest, our live and on-demand webinars are created to appeal to a wide range of our audience and create digestible content to reuse for future campaigns.
  • Integrated Campaigns - Full end-to-end development of any and all demand generation campaigns. Includes inception, planning, promotion, cross-functional development, execution, and post-event summary and follow-up across all appropriate channels.

Important channels:
