Navigating the PGSQL Database

The PGSQL database

The PGSQL database is Sourcegraph’s main database. It contains the majority of the application data with the exception of code-intel and code-insights data.

When to run queries against the PGSQL database

Running queries against this database should be used as a backup debugging option after exhausting the available search options exposed through the GraphQL API. The GraphQL API is both easier and safer to use than SQL.

What data can be found by querying the PGSQL database

  • users
  • repositories
  • external services
  • settings
  • batch changes
  • LSIF uploads
  • versions
  • extensions
  • organizations
  • email configurations
  • access tokens
  • plus many more relational data

Connecting to the PGSQL database


kubectl exec -ti PGSQL_CONTAINER_NAME -- psql -U sg


docker-compose exec -it pgsql psql -U sg


docker ps -a
  Identify the Sourcegraph container id
docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash
psql -U sg

Common database commands

\dtLists all tables in the current database
\d table_namedescribe a table (see which columns the table contains)
\xenable expanded display (makes reading individual table rows easier)
\qexit from the psql shell

Commonly queried tables

userscheck existence of accounts, get user id for further queries
repo_permissionsdetermine which repos a user is granted acccess to

Example queries

Determine number of users with access to a specific repository

  SELECT name, id
  FROM repo
  WHERE name LIKE '%<REPO NAME>' AND deleted_at IS NULL;

  SELECT repo_id, array_length(user_ids_ints, 1)
  FROM repo_permissions
  WHERE repo_id = <REPO ID>;  --using repo_id from previous step

Determine which users have access to a specific repository

  SELECT name, id
  FROM repo
  WHERE name LIKE '%<REPO NAME>' AND deleted_at IS NULL;

  SELECT repo_viewers.repo_id, users.username
  FROM (
    SELECT repo_id, unnest(user_ids_ints) AS repo_viewer_id
    FROM repo_permissions
    WHERE repo_id = <REPO ID> --using repo_id from previous step
  ) AS repo_viewers
  JOIN users ON repo_viewers.repo_viewer_id =;

Monitor active database connections

  SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE state='active';