Support Team README
Our README expands on our profile in the company team directory and are meant to help us orient to one another.
- Enrique README
- Jason README
- Mariam README
- Michael README
- Morgan README
- Rakesh README
- Shawnteé README
- Stompy README
- Warren README
The format, style, order, etc is up to each of us. Just make sure to include the following to the degree you feel at ease to do so; feel free to add/remove as you see fit:
- Individual view on customer service/support
- Preferred learning styles
- Communication style
- Preferred way to collaborate
- How you approach problems
- Preferred way to be recognized/appreciated
- Thoughts/feelings/preferences when it comes to asking for help
- What you find enjoyable at work
- What kind of work do you find easiest to do when (for example, some folks write best at night or can focus more easily in the afternoon)
- How do you feel about getting messages after/outside of hours that are meant for you to see and respond to during active hours
- How folks can best show up for us when we seem off (give space, ask if work is the right place for us to be today, etc)
- Things you are aware of that trigger anxious feelings/feelings of less than at work
- Areas of knowledge
- Areas of interest to learn
- Current personal project
- Something you fear
- A quote you like
- How you eat fries (with or without ketchup (ketchup on the fries or on the side), etc)
- Your sun, moon, and rising signs (if you are into this kind of thing)