Mission, Strategy, Exectution, and Metrics (MSEM) Overview
The Mission, Strategy, Execution, and Metrics (VSEM) framework is a tool for organizing and aligning Sourcegaph’s mission, strategy, and execution with the work we do on a daily basis.
If you want the complete version with context / background see the Mission, Strategy, Execution, and Metrics (MSEM).
If you want just the headlines see the Consolidated MSEM.
Breakdown of each section
Let’s break down each section of the VSEM framework to better understand how it works
Mission Our very long-term (10+-year) ambition and purpose. The substance of the mission will not change, but the specific way we describe it will be reviewed annually to ensure it is compelling, relevant, and motivating.
Strategy The strategy is Sourcegraph’s medium-term (1-2 year) plan for how to achieve our mission. It highlights the key strategic focus areas the company must execute against in order to make our mission a reality. The strategy will be revisited annually and likely evolve over time.
Execution The execution plan is the process for how we will implement Sourcegraph’s strategy and highlight the necessary actions needed to achieve our mission. Each execution plan typically comprises a number of important projects and initiatives, critical decisions that need to be made, the allocation of resources, etc.
Metrics These are the measures or indicators that Sourcegraph will use to track our progress towards our goals. They should be closely tied to the mission and strategy and will be used to gauge the effectiveness of the execution plan to make our strategy successful.
How will Sourcegraph use the MSEM?
Align and bring clarity to our mission and strategy
We haven’t directly connected our Mission > Strategy together in a cohesive way. By aligning our strategy (medium-term) to our mission (purpose) we can bring much greater clarity and focus to our execution plan (short-term) to achieve our goals.
Focus and prioritize work on the things that matter
We all have to make 100+ decisions a day on what to do and where to spend our time / money / resources. The VSEM should help create clarity on how, where, and why you should choose to spend your time. With better prioritization and focus, come better decisions and all around execution.
Bring transparency and accountability to our progress
Sourcegraph has not been good about focusing, measuring, tracking, and sharing performance at a company level. A simple, easily referenced and concrete artifact will help create a single point of reference to hold everyone accountable to their performance. This VSEM will be documented in the handbook, referenced in every issue of the Git Down, and progress will be tracked at company meetings.
Create a culture shift
We need to use this framework Every. Single. Day. Tools are great, but they are only as effective as they are used and used effectively. If we aren’t looking at, talking about, or using the VSEM every day, we aren’t doing our job (this includes telling the exec team we aren’t using it enough!). Culture shifts are hard and they are all about creating new habits and expectations.
Making the MSEM work at Sourcegraph
The execution plan is the process for how we will implement Sourcegraph’s strategy and highlight the necessary actions needed to achieve our mission. Each execution plan typically comprises a number of important projects and initiatives, critical decisions that need to be made, the allocation of resources, etc.
The MSEM will work if / when we focus our work, attention, time, and resources on the execution plan.
Expectations, Roles, and Responsibilities
Each Execution Plan has a DRI and an Executive Sponsor who are ultimately accountable for the success or failure of the project.
Each project must have a clear:
- Problem that needs to be solved that betters the experience of our customers, company, or sourcegraph teammates
- Measureable, trackable and self-sustaining solution
- Set of ‘exit criteria’ that clearly indicate when the project has reached its conclusion
Directly Responsible Individuals (DRIs)
DRIs are responsible for:
- Setting the vision, strategy, and goals of the project
- Working with the executive team to decide on attainable and aspirational goals / targets.
- Deciding on which metrics their execution plan will directly affect.
- Creating and maintaining a high-functioning, execution plan working group
- Leading planning and managing dependencies for the project
- Creating scalable, repeatable processes for tracking and managing data
- Ensuring a execution plan handbook page is maintained and up-to-date
- Reporting to executive leadership on a weekly basis
Executive Sponsors
The exec team member who sponsors the project is responsible for:
- Supporting the DRI in securing and aligning resources and removing bottlenecks
- Supporting escalations as needed
- Ensuring appropriate insight and alignment to other projects, initiatives, or programs
- Sharing responsibility with the DRI for project success / failure
Reporting cadence and updates for the company
Async weekly progress reports
- When: Submitted every Friday COB ()
- Who: Exec Sponsor / DRI / Appropriate execution plan project teammate(s)
- What:
- A summary of the week’s work / color commentary on the project as a whole.
- Update on the status of the project (Red / Yellow / Green).
- What went well this week?
- What could have gone better?
- Action plan for next week?
- Where:
- A Google doc that includes (link to template):
- Handbook page
- #msem-progress slack channel
Synchronous company updates
- When: Company Meetings / Quarter Kick Offs / Merge / etc.
- Who: Exec Sponsor / DRI / Appropriate execution plan project teammate(s)
- What:
- As relevant, certain execution plan teams will be highlighted to present their progress, key milestones, etc.
- Where:
- Zoom meetings, on stage at Merge, etc.
How to suggest / reprioritize an execution plan
The MSEM Backlog is for capturing upcoming and / or currently deprioritized company-wide execution plans (things we are saying ‘no’ to). If you believe we should incorporate an execution plan into the MSEM, please create a PRFAQ or write up a project proposal (aka RFC) and include it under the appropriate strategy.