Sourcegraph teammate access to Cloud instances
Sourcegraph teammates access to Cloud instances application interface (Web UI) is restricted to essential personnel only. This ensures Sourcegraph is able to help customers troubleshoot issues and deliver a smooth experience. We utilize Sourcegraph Operator Authentication Provider (SOAP) which implements OpenID Connect to enable Sourcegraph employees access to customer instance to make sure there is an audit trail for every access.
The Cloud team manages a separate Cloud Okta account (separate from the company-wide Sourcegraph Okta account) to manage UI access to Cloud instances. The Cloud Okta account is federated by the parent Sourcegraph Okta account to ensure access control is consistent across all our systems. For example, if an account is deactivated from the Sourcegraph Okta account, the user will loss access to Cloud Okta as well.
Each Cloud instance equals to an Okta application. For each Okta application, an Okta group is created and assign access to the Okta application. By default, no teammate has UI access to any customer Cloud instances, hence the Okta group is empty. We will then grant time-bound access to the group as needed.
You can learn more about the detail from the following RFCs:
The default admin user on managed instances
Every instance has a default Sourcegraph admin user added during the instance initialisation. The username, password and access token of the admin user is stored in Google Secret Manager (GSM) in the GCP project of the managed instance. The access token is used to access the managed instance by our services programmatically.
Request UI access to managed instances
Please visit go/cloud-ops to locate the instance you would like to access, and follow the instruction under Log in to the instance UI section.
UI access to private managed instances
Private managed instances refer to managed instances that have enabled private mode, additonal steps are required to be able to visit the instance UI after you have completed the steps to grant UI access.
Go to the directory of the instance, e.g.
Set up the cluster credentials:
mi2 instance workon -exec
Pick any of the
pods for port forwarding:kubectl port-forward sourcegraph-frontend-{hash} 4444:3080
Click on the Continue with Sourcegraph Operators sign-in option
Complete the authentication flow with Okta
Encounter an error about
no state cookie found
Replace the beginning part of URL from
What is Sourcegraph Operator Authentication Provider?
Sourcegraph Operator Authentication Provider (SOAP) is an OpenID Connect-based authentication provider that is designed specifically for Sourcergaph Cloud managed instances. In combination with the Okta application and Entitle access request workflow, it allows time-bound, audit-trailed UI access to managed instances for Sourcegraph employees in the events of instance maintenance, issue troubleshooting, and customer assistance.
SOAP creates special user accounts that are refered as “Sourcegraph operators”, which has the following traits:
- Sourcegraph operators are only available on Sourcergaph Cloud managed instances.
- Sourcegraph operators are temporary user accounts. By default, they’ll be hard-deleted from the instances after 60 minutes.
- Sourcegraph operators are not counting towards the customer license seats.
- Sourcegraph operators are invisible from the application UI, site admins are not able to see them.
- All activities of Sourcegraph operators are logged and attributed in the database, and excluded from both in-product analytics and usage stats in pings.
How to identify Sourcegraph operators on a managed instance?
Sourcegraph operators often have the prefix sourcegraph-operator-
in their usernames, however, having such username prefix does not automatically make those users become Sourcegraph operators.
To pull out the list of Sourcegraph operators on a given managed instance, first visit go/cloud-ops to locate the instance you would like to access, then follow the instruction under the Connect to the database section.
Run the following SQL query:
SELECT user_id FROM user_external_accounts WHERE service_type = 'sourcegraph-operator'
How to identify user activities of Sourcegraph operators on a managed instance?
To pull out user activities of Sourcegraph operators on a given managed instance, first visit go/cloud-ops to locate the instance you would like to access, then follow the instruction under the Connect to the database section.
Run the following SQL query for event logs:
SELECT * FROM event_logs WHERE public_argument @> '{"sourcegraph_operator": true}';
Run the following SQL query for security event logs:
SELECT * FROM security_event_logs WHERE argument @> '{"sourcegraph_operator": true}';
How to enable/disable SOAP for a managed instance?
All managed instances have SOAP enabled and disabling is currently not supported on v2. Double check with the customer before trying to request UI access.
How to enable SOAP locally?
Create a temporary JSON file (
) with the following content, the credentials can be obtained from the Okta test instance admin in 1Password and the OpenID Connect (sourcegraph.test:3443) Okta application :{ "authProviders": { "sourcegraphOperator": { "issuer": "", "clientID": "<REDACTED>", "clientSecret": "<REDACTED>", "lifecycleDuration": 60 } } }
Sign the Cloud site config:
mi2 src-soap sign -config site-config.json
Set the output of the above command as the value of the environment variable
in yoursg.config.overwrite.yaml
:env: SRC_CLOUD_SITE_CONFIG: 'eyJzaWduYXR1cmUiOnsiRm9ybWF0Ijoic3NoLWVkMjU1M...'
Start the local Sourcegraph instance and sign in with Continue with Sourcergaph Operators using the same Okta account used in the step 1.
How debug SOAP configuration?
- Grab the value of the environment variable
, e.g.eyJzaWduYXR1cmUiOnsiRm9ybWF0Ijoic3NoLWVkMjU1M...
. - Use
mi2 src-soap decode -config "eyJzaWduYXR1cmUiOnsiRm9ybWF0Ijoic3NoLWVkMjU1M..."
to decode to get its content.